
Rural schools in Kurunegala and Puttalam Districts

EDEX Nenapahana Team visits 4 rural schools in Kurunegala and Puttalam Districts

EDEX Nenapahana Team visits 4 rural schools in Kurunegala and Puttalam Districts

Travelling in the Royal College bus, EDEX Nenapahana Team set out in the early hours of a Thursday morning, heading towards the North Western Province on their mission to visit 3 needy rural schools in Kurunegala District and another in Puttalam District.

EDEX Nenapahana, a CSR initiative of the Royal College Union extends support to schools in remote areas which lack adequate physical resources, to upgrade library, computer and sports facilities assisting them to excel in academics and sports and reach their maximum potential.

The first visit was to Kuli/Wadumunna Kanshta Vidyalaya. Its’ former principal Mr.P.M. Amarasinghe had initiated a request to the Nenapahana team in latter part of 2016, which resulted in donations of a valuable stock of books and sports items.

Three schools in Kalutara District

Mr. Nimal Karunaratne, the new principal who had taken over duties 2 days back, was pleased to note that the publishers of EDEX Magazine, a trilingual career guidance magazine endorsed by the Ministry of Education and distributed free of charge to all secondary schools is in fact another initiative of the Royal College Union. He went onto describe the usefulness of the EDEX Magazine to both students and teachers alike.

Stemming from a request made to EDEX Chairman by a student, Piyumi Nisansala in 2016, the Thimbiriyawa K.V. in Nikaweratiya North was the recipient of 2 computers, books for the school library and sports items. Piyumi, who had initiated the letter had secured 6 As and 3 Bs, in OL results released a few days back. It was a joyous moment for her to see her efforts bearing fruit, benefitting children of the school to learn computers though she has to move to another school to follow AL classes. The teachers and fellow students joined EDEX Team in applauding Piyumi for her praiseworthy conduct of civic consciousness.

Leading from the front, the Acting Principal of Thabbowa M.V. Lt. E.V.R.L. Ranasinghe initiated a request that witnessed a large stock of books and sports items being gifted to the school.

He narrated how he used social media to get a donor to construct a deep well in the school which was declared open on the same day morning. Similarly through a Fb post he had received funds to repair the library furniture and renovate same. EDEX Team was appreciative of the positive mind frame and the initiatives of Lt. Ranasinghe to get the school infrastructure facilities improved

The final school visited, Nika/Madurankadawala Vidyalaya, Pallama, had requested a television set and a DVD Player to be used in the computer room to play educational videos. Its’ Principal, R.K. Sumith Perera, wrote to Nenapahana Team, in 2017; and much to the delight of the principal and school children, a 21’ inch Sony TV together with a brand new LG VCD was gifted by a generous member of the Nenapahana Team. A stock of books too were donated for the school library.

EDEX Nenapahana has assisted a total of 112 schools since year 2013 with 10 schools during the current year. A lot more schools are in the pipeline. Those who wish to partner such projects are kindly requested to contact phone – 0115521491 for inquiries.