
Three schools in Kalutara District

Nenapahana Team continues to spread its wings to rural schools in Sri Lanka

“Nenapahana Team” continues to spread its wings to rural schools in Sri Lanka

The EDEX Nenapahana outreach programme continued its progress in the current year, covering three schools in Kalutara District on March 21st 2018 registering a total of 108 schools since its inception in 2013.

EDEX Nenapahana, a CSR initiative of the Royal College Union, lends a helping hand to rural schools that have many constraints to empower students in academics and extra-curricular activities owing to lack of basic resources.

Continuing the trail to rural schools and connecting the dots on the Sri Lanka map, the Nenapahana team donated a large stock of school text books, story books, sports items, toys and other special items that were requested by the 3 schools which included furniture items such as steel cupboards and plastic chairs.

St. Visenthi Vidyalaya, Maggona the first to be visited, is a school different from the others as it has neither parents’ nor past pupils support as its’ entire student population of 54 are from the nearby St. Vincent Children’s Home, a facility for orphaned children.

According to Fr. Dilan Perera of Children’s Home, the upkeep of the school is greatly dependent on the untiring efforts of the school principal and teachers to attract donations of this nature as they cannot manage with meagre allowance received annually from the authorities concerned.

EDEX Nenapahana Team that visited schools on this day was headed by Mr. Rasika Galappaththy, its Director, Mr. Nalin Gonnewardene – Advisor EDEX, Nenapahana Team Members and the Staff of EDEX Secretarriat and the RCU Skills Center. Mr. Athula Senanayake, Master in Charge – Hockey, Royal College and Teaching Advisor Ms. Pradeepa Senanayake who promoted assistance for this school, too joined the visit.

Addressing the simple ceremony organised to handover material, Mr. Somasiri, Divisional Director of Education, Beruwala Division highly appreciated the efforts of “EDEX Nenapahana” team of Royal College Union to assist needy schools such as this, apart from sending EDEX Career Guidance Magazine periodically to schools benefitting school communities.

Three schools in Kalutara District

The next school visited was Karandagoda Primary School Beruwala comprising 160 students, largely belonging to low income families, where the team was accorded a warm welcome. Mr. T. E. H. Ruberu, the Principal of the school thanked EDEX Nenapahana team for valuable donations made up of books, children games sets, a laptop and plastic chairs as they will positively impact the standard and the quality of education of the school.

The enthusiasm reflected on the faces of the students, upon seeing the gifts, made the visit more worthwhile.

Finally, the Team arrived at, Makalandawa Model Primary school in scenic Walallavita village.  Add to the serenity of the surroundings the exemplary behavior of students during the entire proceedings enriched the atmosphere. The Principal Mr. U. S. Senerath Yapa appears to have set the pace for the high standard, usually not experienced in many schools we have visited.

The Principal informed that that school commenced at 6.30am in the morning and continued until 4.00 in the evening. The teachers willingly go the extra-mile to give their time and knowledge to students. The extra efforts have paid dividends with students consistently recording the best O/L results in the Walallawita Education Division.

The Principal was profuse with thanks, and re-iterated that this donation was the largest amount of school items received to date, and felt privileged that a visit such as this, materialised under his tenure. The teacher in charge of the Library delivering the vote of thanks stated that it is heartening to note that past students of Royal College playing an important role in the society as useful citizens.

Mr. Rasika Galappaththi, Director of EDEX Nenapahana, stated that is a privilege to support a school like this that made sure the students excelled in their academic work. He thanked Mr. Gamage of Royal MAS Arena, a past pupil of the school for introducing same for assistance under the programme.