
EDEX Sustainability Quiz 2023 – Terms and Conditions

EDEX Sustainability Quiz 2023 – Terms and Conditions


The “EDEX Sustainability Quiz 2023” is designed by EDEX Think Green to test participant’s wider knowledge and recalling ability on multiple subjects such as Current affairs, Sports, Sustainability, Technology, Art, Literature, General Knowledge, etc. Our goal is to educate and promote latest developments and future trends in Sustainability and Technology. We are expecting to bring 75-100 students together for a highly competitive yet entertaining evening of quizzing.



A team should comprise a maximum of 4 members. The names of team members must be declared prior to the commencement of the quiz. No substitutions shall be allowed after the commencement of the quiz. The competition is open for 20 teams. Registrations will be accepted on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis and only one team can take part from each participating school. 


The “EDEX Sustainability Quiz 2023” will be conducted as a table quiz of 3 rounds, each with 10 questions, covering the topics given below: 

1. Current Affairs and Sports

2. Sustainability, Environment and Technology

3. General Knowledge 

Some questions may be accompanied with related media such as images, audio and video clips.  


The quiz will be conducted in English and all answers should be written on the answer script provided by the EDEX team.

The Quiz master will read the question twice and the teams will be provided with 45 seconds to discuss and write down the answer in the answer script provided. At the end of each round an additional one minute will be given to review the answers.

All answer scripts must carry the team name, round number, and table number. Answer Script must be signed by the team leader and handed over to the quiz officials immediately after the end of each round. 

Phonetically correct answers will be accepted as this is not a quiz to test English or spellings.


All correct answers will carry one point each, while no negative or partial points would be awarded. Incomplete answers will earn zero points and no fractions of points will be offered.

Scores obtained by each team will be displayed and announced at the end of each round.

In case of any query, objection or clarification regarding the answer or question’s integrity, a written request containing the following must be forwarded to the panel of judges at the end of the respective round.

  • Name of the School
  • Number of the round and question(s) in concern
  • Query or objection
  • Any acceptable source which will support the query

We will NOT entertain any verbal disputes or arguments during the competition nor alter points after the competition has been concluded. 


Scores obtained by each team will be displayed and announced at the end of each round.

The team gaining the highest aggregate of points at the end of the five rounds will be declared the champions of the “EDEX Sustainability Quiz 2023”.


In the event of a tie there will be an additional round of three questions per round. Only the teams that are tied will be eligible to take part in the tie breaker round.

Marks obtained at the tie breaker round will solely be used for breaking the tie and will not be added on to the team scores.

If the tie is still not resolved in the first tie breaker round there will be another tie breaker

round. If the tie is still not resolved, the prizes will be shared amongst the tied teams and the trophies will be kept in the possession of the EDEX Secretariat.


No material should be referred to while the quiz is in progress. This includes physical media such as books or any electronic devices such as mobile phones. Mobile phones should be switched-off during the competition.

Participants may not leave their seats while the question rounds are in progress.

Any breach of the above rules would result in immediate disqualification of the entire team.

Registration of a team in this competition confirms your acceptance of the above rules and regulations.

In an unforeseen circumstance that is not accounted for in this document, the decision of the Quiz Master and the Panel of Judges would stand final.


Overall Winner: “EDEX Sustainability Quiz 2023” Shield and Certificates 

2nd Place / 3rd Place : Certificates for the respective position

All participants will receive a certificate of participation from EDEX.


Date: 24th February 2023; Friday 

Time: 2.30 PM – 5.00 PM 

Venue: The Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre (SLECC) at 12 McCallum Rd, Colombo 01.

All participating teams are requested to be at the venue by 2.00 PM the latest, to ensure that the competition commences on time. 


For general inquiries contact:

  • Mohammed Rikaz

     Tel: +94 115 521 497 | Mob: +94 777 330 364 | Email: rikaz364@gmail.com

  • Amoda Attanayake 

     Tel: +94 115 521 497 | Mob: +94 716 597 787 | Email: amodaattanayake@gmail.com